Natural Gas: Decarbonized

Methane pyrolysis converts methane into hydrogen and solid carbon. Solid carbon is an important input material for CARBOSANDS building materials. We develop our CARBOSANDS building materials with organic or inorganic binders. Lignin binder is an example of an organic binder, while cement is an example of an inorganic binder. The input material for solid carbon is natural gas, renewable natural gas or synthetic methane from power-to-gas (P2G). Depending on the origin of the input materials, our carbon sands are carbon-neutral or carbon-negative.

The interaction of methane pyrolysis technology and CARBONSANDS technology is important to obtain building materials with defined hardness, bending elasticity, insulation values and fire protection. The input solid carbon is made from pure methane and is of uniform quality. This allows us to produce standardized CARBOSANDS products. This is an important difference to aggregates such as biochar. We have applied for a patent for our CARBOSANDS manufacturing process. Let’s build together: Contact

Methane pyrolysis is an advantageous process for producing hydrogen from natural gas, as it produces solid carbon rather than CO2. We turn the solid carbon into valuable CARBOSANDS building materials. If renewable natural gas (RNG) is used, our durable and infinitely recyclable CARBOSANDS building materials are carbon-negative. In this way, we want to make a highly scalable contribution to carbon removal.

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