Concrete: Decarbonized
Our carbon-negative Carbon Sands are designed to replace sand in concrete. This enables the cement industry to offer carbon-negative concrete with its existing cement products.
The CARBOSANDS concept: Our carbon sands are made from solid carbon of methane pyrolysis. The input material for our carbon sands is natural gas, renewable natural gas or synthetic power-to-gas methane (P2G). An alternative input material is CO2. Depending on the origin of the input materials, our carbon sands are carbon-neutral or carbon-negative.
The solid carbon is made from pure methane and is of uniform quality. This will allow us to produce standardized CARBOSANDS carbon sands of controlled hardness, structure and grading curve, which together with cement result in standardized, uniform and stable concrete qualities. This is an important difference to aggregates such as biochar. We have applied for a patent for our CARBOSANDS manufacturing process.
Our CARBOSANDS Carbon Sands can even be produced from the captured CO2 of the cement production itself in an integrated process:
In this way, the cement industry can avoid the expensive transportation and underground storage of CO2 and at the same time market a combined product of cement and sand for defined qualities of carbon-neutral concrete. Let’s build together: Contact
With CARBOSANDS, we aim to contribute to the decarbonization of the cement industry. We offer a solution that interferes as little as possible with existing cement production. A solution that can replace sand, which is becoming increasingly scarce.