Turning concrete into a CO₂ Supersink: Use Solid Carbon Sand instead of regular construction sand for your concrete
Our CARBOSANDS Solid Carbon Sand is a carbon-negative fine aggregate designed for concrete applications. Composed of pure carbon, it is non-toxic and stable for thousands of years. Solid Carbon Sand will possess the same properties as traditional mineral construction sand and is intended to serve as a complete replacement. Given that Solid Carbon Sand is made from methane derived from CO2, concrete can transform into a supersink for atmospheric CO2, with the potential to operate on a gigaton scale.
How does it work? We are developing a technology that produces carbon-negative solid carbon of a quality suitable for construction sand, CARBOSANDS Solid Carbon Sand. This innovation enables the cement industry to provide carbon-negative concrete without requiring modifications to their existing cement products.
Our CARBOSANDS Solid Carbon Sand can even be produced from CO2 captured during cement production. This approach enables the cement industry to avoid the costly transportation and underground storage of CO2 while simultaneously marketing combined products of cement and sand for high-performance concrete. Find out more
Let’s establish a process chain that connects Direct Air Capture (DAC) of CO2 to building materials.
CARBOSANDS technology offers an innovative approach to producing hydrogen as an energy carrier from bio-methane and renewable natural gas, while simultaneously generating a building material—solid carbon sand for concrete. We are excited to launch this solution.
Furthermore, CARBOSANDS is part of a much larger initiative, the “Highway from DAC to Buildings,” which includes assembly units, transport mechanisms, and cleavage units. In the assembly units, a combined energy and raw material commodity is produced: carbon-negative methane. This process involves extracting CO2 from the atmosphere using Direct Air Capture (DAC) or sourcing it from hard-to-abate industrial processes. This CO2 is then combined with hydrogen produced from renewable sources like solar and wind energy to methane. Methane can be efficiently transported from assembler locations—where solar and wind resources are plentiful—to cleavage sites in regions with high energy and raw material demand. In the cleavage units, methane is converted into hydrogen, an energy carrier, and solid carbon, a raw material.
This solid carbon will serve as the foundation for new building materials, such as Solid Carbon Sand for concrete. The term “Highway” symbolizes the potential gigaton-scale impact of this innovative process chain.
Carbon-negative methane will emerge as a new dual-purpose commodity for transporting and storing energy AND materials.
To protect the climate, we must extract ultra-large quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere. Why not transform it and store it as mass-produced infinitely recyclable building materials? At CARBOSANDS, we are tackling the largest industrial raw material of all: construction sand. Our Solid Carbon Sand is made from carbon-negative methane. Methane is a remarkable substance: it can simultaneously store and transport an energy carrier (hydrogen) and a material (solid carbon).

Mankind has developed a global infrastructure for natural gas over the past century. Why not leverage this existing infrastructure for the new, nearly identical substance —carbon-negative methane? Let’s use and renovate the natural gas infrastructure to ensure no methane escapes, ushering in a new era of carbon-negative methane.
CARBOSANDS is developing the cleavage units – the final construction site along the highway – to convert methane, the transport and storage commodity, back into energy and materials.
The patent-pending CARBOSANDS technology combines thermal methane decomposition with an innovative Solid Carbon Sand production process. It is engineered to produce Solid Carbon Sand that matches the hardness, particle shape, and grain size distribution of mineral construction sand.
CARBOSANDS Solid Carbon Sand is designed to meet all relevant requirements for construction sand, including compressive strength, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, creep, and shrinkage. Unlike other technologies such as molten bed or plasma methane pyrolysis, which yield amorphous solid carbon, CARBOSANDS will deliver a high-quality product optimized for construction applications.
We believe the “Highway from DAC to Building” represents the most cost-effective path to simultaneously remove CO2 from the atmosphere, produce, transport, and utilize energy sustainably, and craft a world built from stunning, innovative materials. Welcome to a new era defined by methane and solid carbon. Join us: Contact
CARBOSANDS Solid Carbon Sand: Transforming concrete. Here are the latest updates:
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